Establish a shared set of principles and policies
Identify what people really want
Improve the town’s facilities
Promote the town’s attractions
Encourage more people to use the town centre
Develop a Town Team action plan

Malmesbury - A living, breathing town with strong local businesses.
Malmesbury is a beautiful ancient hilltop town with a rich and rewarding history in a unique setting surrounded by picturesque rivers …
But what makes Malmesbury really special is it combines this with being a living breathing town. With strong local businesses, a town centre packed with interesting independent shops and great places to eat drink and stay. And a regular programme of arts and local events. Above all Malmesbury is a thriving supportive community.
Malmesbury Town Team started in 2014 in response to the arrival of increased out of town trading and reached a milestone in 2020 when it became a Community Interest Company and could map a sustainable long term future.
Its objective is to work practically support the success of Malmesbury and Malmesbury’s local businesses – the heart of Malmesbury’s retail, service and hospitality economy – by adding to the activities supporting the promotion of Malmesbury as a place to visit and spend time.
It works in close partnership with Malmesbury Town Council and since 2020 has received an annual grant from the Town Council.
The majority of its income, however, is generated through sponsorship by local businesses, grants and direct activities.
Its active major projects - in addition to its general High Street promotion activity - are:
- The production of the new Malmesbury Visitor Guide
- The operation and development of Discover Malmesbury as the promotional brand for Malmesbury.
- The development of a new business development network in the Malmesbury Area
- The establishment of weekly guided walks from April to September as a new attraction for residents and visitors
- The leadership of major community wide cultural events, including Malmesbury Witch Trial 350 in 2022 and Athelstan 1100 in 2024.
- The operation and development of ‘Explore Malmesbury’ – telling the stories of Malmesbury at the places they happened.
Malmesbury Town Team Enquiries: david.drake@hey.com
A Thriving High Street
Business has been done on Malmesbury High Street for over a thousand years. Today's thriving High Street can trace its history back to Saxon times and behind every shopfront there is a fascinating history. We might not have our own mint producing coins of the realm anymore (that was closed by William the Conqueror!) but we do have bakers, butchers, an ice cream maker, florists, newsagents, a wholefood specialist, and a regular Friday food market. And so much more..
Clothes shops, hardware supplies, a shoe shop, eco specialists, a bookshop, gallery and artist materials, cycle shops, gift shops for all requirements, a toy and games shop, fabric supplies, jewellers, personal care and beauty shops, a travel agent and fitness studios.
Before, or after, you can venture into one of our welcoming cafes in the Town Hall, the Abbey, on the Triangle and the High Street. Quality Italian food, fusion cuisine and an authentic Indian restaurant. Friendly pubs with history and character - enjoy the historic Kings Arms, a traditional coaching inn with a Mediterranean tapas menu , The Rose and Crown, a welcoming local at the bottom of the High Street, the Whole Hog, with its traditional bar and pub food well served in its dining room, the sociable Three Cups at the Triangle, and reputedly the oldest hotel in England, The Old Bell Hotel, with its Texan twist, modern high quality dining and luxurious surroundings.
For the curious who want to know about the history of our shops and pubs - look at ‘Explore Malmesbury’ where you can see how the High Street has changed over the years.
To find out more about any of these initiatives contact hello@discovermalmesbury.life. All Malmesbury retailers and businesses are welcome.
Malmesbury Town Team
Malmesbury Town Team is a group of local people, many with business experience, who see Malmesbury’s town centre as a unique asset that demands thoughtful stewardship and ongoing support and development.
Brought together with a common objective, they all bring different skills to the table to ensure initiatives in the town are driven forward and its ongoing prosperity secured.
There are two layers to the Town Team consisting of:
The Management Team, which meets monthly and is formed of a cross-section of individuals who are directly engaged in local businesses or have relevant business experience to offer the Team and the Town, and also included a representative from Malmesbury Council and Malmesbury's Wiltshire Councillor.
Task Groups that will drive specific projects on behalf of the Town Team.
The Management Team
The Management Team consists of individuals participating in local businesses plus local residents experienced in:
- Retail
- Tourism
- Marketing
- Hospitality
- Customer Service
- HR
- Business Development
Plus Members of Constituted Organisations:
- Malmesbury Town Council
Task Groups
Individual Task Groups undertake specific projects and report to the Management Team.
Support Team and Volunteer Opportunities
As the activities undertaken by Malmesbury Town Team increase we are looking to add a number of volunteer roles into our organisation. This includes help with Town Team events and promotions, and extending Explore Malmesbury local business content and increasign communications between and across local businesses.
The roles offer really interesting opportunities to get involved with supporting local businesses and creating even more good reasons to shop, socialise and visit Malmesbury.
For more information please contact david.drake@hey.com
Suggestions, feedback and new members to join the team on a continuing or ad hoc basis welcome! Whether you have a fantastic suggestion up your sleeve to help improve the town centre experience or have a few hours to spare each week to become a member of the Malmesbury Town Team, get in touch info@malmesburytownteam.co.uk. Be part of something truly extraordinary happening right here in your local town…